Monday, July 28, 2008Y
6:58 AM

Money, such a sensitive issue. To some, it means the world to them. Yet to others, it is just another thing in their life. There are people who become bankrupt overnight and on the other hand, people who become millionaires overnight. Every weekend, there will always be lots of people queuing up to buy lottery tickets. They spend that little amount of money every week, in hope of striking rich one day and achieving their dream of being rich. So, what is it about money that makes some people so crazy over it? They all say money cannot buy happiness. So why is everyone thinking of getting richer and earning more money all the time? I agree that money does not bring happiness. However it is an undeniable fact that it gets rid of many things that cause unhappiness and suffering.

The essentials for life are air, water and food. To keep alive, you need water and food. And without money you cannot have those. Many of us need not bother about food or water. Maybe because we already taken for granted that there will always be water coolers in our school and there will always be money in our wallets. What misery if one day, we wake up to find no water, no food and no money.

A place to stay and live in, another thing we have taken for granted. All these could not be possible without money. Ever seen those homeless people out on the streets? Maybe you pitied them, gave them some money to get food but I am sure none of you imagined yourself to be like them. It seems impossible, to take us out of the comfort of our own homes and throwing us into the streets, helpless and homeless.

When you got all you need to lead the life of an average Singaporean, you will start spending on ‘comfort items’. Also called liabilities, these items are bought not out of need but wants. For example, cars, toys and electronic devices. I admit, liabilities do make people feel happy, for a while. However if you really think it through, I believe all of you will agree that it is quite foolish to sacrifice time to get money in order to afford things that only bring momentary happiness.

Therefore I urge everyone to not be too carried away by the temptations of money. Money does gets rid of many things that cause sufferings, like starvation and security. However, do think twice before making a decision like sacrificing valuable time with your family just to earn an extra income. In time, you will definitely regret your decision.


Saturday, June 21, 2008Y
6:16 AM
My favourite author.
My favourite author is H.G Wells. His famous works include : The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds, When the Sleeper Wakes, and The First Men in the Moon.

5 interesting facts about him is :

He was an outspoken socialist, his later works becoming increasingly political and didactic,

Only his early science fiction novels are widely read today.

A defining incident of young Wells's life was an accident he had in 1874, when he was seven years old, which left him bedridden with a broken leg.

Wells's mother and father had never got along with one another particularly well.

Wells earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology from the University of London External Programme.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008Y
6:17 AM
June Holiday Week 4
What is the most valuable skill I would impart to my students if I were a teacher?
I would impart the shill of being contented. Firstly, I believe it is very important because as we grow up, we learn many things. And as we gain knowledge, we will start to expect more from others and ourselves. Many a times, life becomes bitter and unhappy. However, the standard of living is increasing, we get more things than we had when we were young. So why is it that we were so much happier when we were younger? This is because we have higher targets in life, and we ask for even more. For example a sweet can easily bring a wide smile to a toddler’s face whereas the latest handphone can only bring moments of joy to a teenager. Therefore, I believe that being contented is a very important skill that we should all have.
Also, when we are contented, we live life with a smile on our faces. Yes that is exactly what many are searching for. Something that can bring a smile to their face. However it has been right under their noses during that long search. Just because they cannot make do with what they already have, they have to keep trying to find something to make themselves happy. And when their time is up and they cannot continue their search, they finally see what it is that can bring them true happiness. However then, it is all too late.
To clear some of the doubts that people may have, being contented is totally different from being easily contented. The most obvious difference between the two is that being contented means working for what you want but if you fail to achieve it, you are still happy. Being easily contented means not even working for what you want, instead you make do with what you have.
Being contented is a very important yet difficult thing to do. Those around you, including yourself, will push you to achieve more than you think you can. However if you fail, how many will stay behind to help you get back on your feet and then encourage you to try again? I think that the minute we are born, we should be trying to please ourselves and only ourselves. On the contrary, all of us are doing the opposite. Trying to please our parents, our teachers, and we end up the sad, pitiful ones. We are left to pick ourselves up, to stand up on our feet and try harder the next time, after the midyears do I realize sometimes, we shouldn’t be trying so hard. Because despite the immense effort put in by students, I still see sad faces.
Learning should be a fun process, never determined by results. And that is why if I were a teacher, I would impart the skill of being contented to my students.



Hi za bo, rmber to do homework(comment on everyone's blog, go see mr kek blog). Keep up the good work with your posts!! Lol, no vulgarities, nice one.

by Blogger YANG JIEMIN, @ 9:44 PM, June 10, 2008  

Hi za bo, rmber to do homework(comment on everyone's blog, go see mr kek blog). Keep up the good work with your posts!!

by Blogger YANG JIEMIN, @ 9:46 PM, June 10, 2008  

Very good post!

by Anonymous Anonymous, @ 8:27 AM, June 13, 2008  

woah! yr journal entries all so loong! hardworking!

by Anonymous Anonymous, @ 3:21 AM, June 14, 2008  

SO LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nt fair wor. i write very short only. can help mii do?

by Anonymous Anonymous, @ 8:27 PM, June 17, 2008  

thats a long post...

by Blogger C.S, @ 11:37 AM, June 24, 2008  

Agree. But being contented is not as easy as it seems...

by Anonymous Anonymous, @ 7:34 PM, June 24, 2008  

The hamsters very cute!

by Anonymous Anonymous, @ 7:36 PM, June 24, 2008  

nice post...
and hamsters...

by Anonymous Anonymous, @ 7:37 PM, June 24, 2008  

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6:00 AM
June Holiday Week 3
As I lay awake on my bed last night, unable to fall asleep, I thought about an important thing. Are we really improving as we grow up? As we gain knowledge in school, as we gain experience from our mistakes, as we learn valuable skills in our everyday life, are we really upgrading ourselves? Yes, as we age, we learn more things, but at the same time, we start to expect more from others and ourselves. At times, this may be a good thing it pushes us forward to do more than we think we can, to maximize our potential, however, when we fail, we fall hard. Are we getting happier each day because our achievements are more worth remembering? I do not think so. When we keep achieving what we aimed for, getting what we want, we stop celebrating our success and start aiming higher. My goal in life is simple. It is not to get good grades, to be a millionaire or a tour around the globe. It is simply to be happy. And to achieve that, all I need to learn is to be contented. I believe that this skill is more important to master than algebra, tenses or how volcanoes are formed.



lol u want to be millionare???
hahahaha didnt know that

by Anonymous Anonymous, @ 7:09 PM, June 24, 2008  

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5:55 AM
June Holiday Week 2
I think it is time someone actually reviewed the school rules. Yes I agree that our uniforms should be tucked in neatly and the girls’ skirts should be of reasonable length. However, I fully object to the school’s new rule that bans students from wearing shorts shorter than the school’s physical education (PE) shorts, for example FBT’s. There are two major obstacles to this rule: students and the fact that they have to wear short shorts for some activities. If the school had not ban FBT for the past years, why suddenly ban it now? Firstly, students will definitely not adhere to this new rule, as they do not see anything wrong in wearing these shorts. And since the school makes it a must for students to wear their school bottoms at the waist, students will also wear their shorts at their waist, which makes it even shorter. If the students wear their shorts lower than the waist they are just a little shorter than the school’s PE shorts. Another reason why this rule will not work out is because the sport co-curriculum activities (CCA) groups have to wear FBT’s. Their jersey shorts are either FBT’s or very similar to FBT’s. Therefore the school either forces the sport CCA groups to make new jerseys with longer pants or change the new rule. Also, at the four schools combined annual sports meet, it will be very unique to see our students, in their PE shorts, competing with the other students, in their FBT’s. I really hope the school will consider reforming this new rule.



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5:44 AM
June Holiday Week 1
A week of my June holidays have past and sometimes I really wonder what holidays are for. I used to think holidays are breaks. I used to think they are for students to go out with their friends, spend some quality time with their families, or just rest at home. Instead, we spend our time at home trying to clear the heaps of holiday assignments, bit by bit. Otherwise, we would be at school. Yes, in school, during our holidays. At least twice a week, we get called back to school for either co-curricular activities (CCA) or remedial. Aren’t these activities supposed to be during school time? If we have to go back to school so often, why call it a holiday?




by Anonymous Anonymous, @ 4:04 AM, June 20, 2008  

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5:39 AM
Term 2 Week 10
One should never condescend to mortify a person when he is in encumbrance. It is definitely not of decorum and should be wheedled strongly to stop.



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